There are wonderful places to relax after the procedure – wooden arbors in the comfort of an old oak forest. A wonderful selection of grill menus and a variety of fresh, tea, compote and other types of drinks will satisfy the most demanding guest.
A chan is a boiler-shaped container. We used bathing in a vat for a long time – the ancient Celts who inhabited this region used this procedure to treat wounds and various diseases. The cast-iron tub is filled with cold mineral water, and a fire is kindled under it; gradually the water is heated to 35-40 degrees. The temperature of the water in the tub is optimally 40 degrees. Tankers with extensive experience can bring the temperature to 42 degrees and boil this way even unprepared people, which gives them the full healing power of water. Bathing in a tub alternates with immersion in nearby cold water – the temperature difference has a particularly anti-aging effect on the skin and positively affects the state of the human body.
Price (by prior arrangement) – 2000 UAH (per 2 hours).